Legal Notice & Privacy Policy
of Sennifer

Data protection

   We have written this data protection declaration (version 16.07.2021-121781400) to explain to you, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and applicable national laws, which personal data (data for short) we as the person responsible - and that of Processors commissioned by us (e.g. provider) - process, will process in the future and what legitimate options you have. The terms used are gender-neutral.
In short: We provide you with comprehensive information about the data that we process about you.

   Data protection declarations usually sound very technical and use legal terminology. However, this data protection declaration is intended to describe the most important things to you as simply and transparently as possible. As far as transparency is beneficial, technical terms are explained in a reader-friendly manner, links to further information are provided and graphics are used. We are informing in clear and simple language that we only process personal data in the context of our business activities if there is a corresponding legal basis. This is certainly not possible if you make as brief, unclear and legal-technical statements as possible, as they are often standard on the Internet when it comes to data protection. I hope you find the following explanations interesting and informative and maybe there is one or the other piece of information that you were not familiar with.
If you still have questions, we would like to ask you to contact the responsible body named below or in the imprint, to follow the links provided and to look at further information on third-party sites. You can of course also find our contact details in the legal notice.

Area of โ€‹โ€‹application

   This data protection declaration applies to all personal data processed by us in the company and to all personal data processed by companies commissioned by us (contract processors). By personal data, we mean information within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 1 GDPR, such as the name, email address and postal address of a person. The processing of personal data ensures that we can offer and invoice our services and products, be it online or offline. The scope of this data protection declaration includes:

   all online presences (websites, online shops) that we operate Social media appearances and email communication
mobile apps for smartphones and other devices In short: The data protection declaration applies to all areas in which personal data is processed in a structured manner in the company via the channels mentioned. If we enter into legal relationships with you outside of these channels, we will inform you separately if necessary.

Legal basis

    In the following data protection declaration we provide you with transparent information on the legal principles and regulations, i.e. the legal bases of the General Data Protection Regulation, which enable us to process personal data.
As far as EU law is concerned, we refer to REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016. You can of course access this EU General Data Protection Regulation online at EUR-Lex, the gateway to the EU -Recht, read at

    We only process your data if at least one of the following conditions applies:

    Consent (Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR): You have given us your consent to process data for a specific purpose. An example would be the storage of the data you entered in a contact form.
Contract (Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit.b GDPR): We process your data in order to fulfill a contract or pre-contractual obligations with you. For example, if we conclude a sales contract with you, we need personal information in advance.
Legal obligation (Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit. c GDPR): If we are subject to a legal obligation, we will process your data. For example, we are legally required to keep invoices for bookkeeping. These usually contain personal data.
Legitimate interests (Article 6 Paragraph 1 lit.f GDPR): In the case of legitimate interests that do not restrict your basic rights, we reserve the right to process personal data. For example, we have to process certain data in order to be able to operate our website securely and economically efficiently. This processing is therefore a legitimate interest.
Other conditions such as the perception of recordings in public As a rule, we do not have any interest or exercise of public authority or the protection of vital interests. If such a legal basis should be relevant, it will be shown in the appropriate place.

    In addition to the EU regulation, national laws also apply:

    In Austria this is the federal law for the protection of natural persons when processing personal data (data protection law), DSG for short.
In Germany, the Federal Data Protection Act, or BDSG for short, applies.
If further regional or national laws apply, we will inform you about them in the following sections.

Communication Summary

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Affected: Everyone who communicates with us via Discord, E-Mail or Whatsapp / Sms / Telephone
๐Ÿ““ Processed data: e.g. B. (user) name, (email address, telephone number, only if by email / telephone), entered data. You can find more details about the contact type used in each case
๐Ÿค Purpose: handling communication with customers, business partners, etc.
๐Ÿ“… Storage duration: duration of the business case and the statutory provisions
โš–๏ธ Legal basis: Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR (consent), Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR (contract), Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (legitimate interests)

Affected persons

    The above-mentioned processes affect all those who seek contact with us via the communication channels we have provided.

Discord Ticket / Discord DMs / Discord Chat

    If you communicate with us via Discord, the data will be stored and transcripted on the Discord server. You can request deletion of the data at any time. The data will be deleted as soon as the business case has ended and legal requirements allow.


    If you communicate with us by email, data may be stored on the respective end device (computer, laptop, smartphone, ...) and data is saved on the email server. The data will be deleted as soon as the business case has ended and legal requirements allow.

Legal basis

    The processing of the data is based on the following legal bases:

    Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR (consent): You give us your consent to save your data and continue to use it for the purposes of the business case;
Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR (contract): There is a need to fulfill a contract with you or a processor such as B. the telephone provider or we have to provide the data for pre-contractual activities, such as B. the preparation of an offer, process;
Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR (legitimate interests): We want to conduct customer inquiries and business communication in a professional manner. For this purpose, certain technical facilities such. B. e-mail programs, Exchange servers and mobile network operators are necessary to operate communication efficiently.

What is web hosting?

    When you visit websites these days, certain information - including personal data - is automatically created and stored, including on this website. This data should be processed as sparingly as possible and only with justification. By the way, by website we mean the entirety of all websites on a domain, i.e. everything from the start page (homepage) to the very last subpage (like this one). By domain we mean or

    When you want to view a website on one screen, you use a program called a web browser. You probably know some web browsers by name: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.

    This web browser has to connect to another computer where the website's code is stored: the web server. The operation of a web server is a complicated and time-consuming task, which is why this is usually done by professional providers, the providers. These offer web hosting and thus ensure reliable and error-free storage of website data.

    When the browser establishes a connection on your computer (desktop, laptop, smartphone) and while data is being transferred to and from the web server, personal data may be processed. On the one hand, your computer stores data, on the other hand, the web server must also store data for a period of time in order to ensure proper operation.

Why do we process personal data?

    The purposes of the data processing are:
    Professional hosting of the website and security of operation to maintain operational and IT security Anonymous evaluation of the access behavior to improve our offer and, if necessary, to prosecute or prosecute claims.

Which data are processed?

    Even while you are visiting our website, our web server, that is the computer on which this website is saved, usually automatically saves data such as the complete Internet address (URL) of the website called up (e.g. Browser and browser version (e.g. Chrome 87) the operating system used (e.g. Windows 10) the address (URL) of the previously visited page (referrer URL) (e.g. the host name and the IP address of the device from which the access is made (e.g. COMPUTERNAME and Date and time in files, the so-called web server log files.

How long is data stored?

   As a rule, the above data is stored for two weeks and then automatically deleted. We do not pass on this data, but we cannot rule out that this data will be viewed by the authorities in the event of illegal behavior.

    In short: your visit will be logged by our provider (company that runs our website on special computers (servers)), but we will not pass on your data without your consent!

Legal basis

    The legality of the processing of personal data in the context of web hosting results from Art. 6 Para. 1 lit.f GDPR (safeguarding legitimate interests), because the use of professional hosting with a provider is necessary to keep the company on the Internet safe and user-friendly and to be able to pursue attacks and claims from them if necessary.


๐Ÿ‘ฅ Affected: Visitors to the website
๐Ÿค Purpose: depending on the respective cookie. More details can be found below or from the manufacturer of the software that sets the cookie.
๐Ÿ““ Processed data: Depending on the cookie used. More details can be found below or from the manufacturer of the software that sets the cookie.
๐Ÿ“… Storage duration: depending on the respective cookie, can vary from hours to years
โš–๏ธ Legal basis: Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR (consent), Art. 6 Para. 1 lit.f GDPR (legitimate interests)

What are cookies?

    Our website uses HTTP cookies to save user-specific data.
In the following we explain what cookies are and why they are used so that you can better understand the following data protection declaration.

    Whenever you surf the Internet, you are using a browser. Well-known browsers are, for example, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Most websites save small text files in your browser. These files are called cookies.

    One thing cannot be dismissed out of hand: Cookies are really useful little helpers. Almost all websites use cookies. To be more precise, they are HTTP cookies, as there are also other cookies for other areas of application. HTTP cookies are small files that our website stores on your computer. These cookie files are automatically placed in the cookie folder, which is the โ€œbrainโ€ of your browser. A cookie consists of a name and a value. When defining a cookie, one or more attributes must also be specified.

    Cookies store certain user data about you, such as language or personal page settings. When you visit our site again, your browser sends the "user-related" information back to our site. Thanks to cookies, our website knows who you are and offers you the settings that you are used to. In some browsers, each cookie has its own file, in others, such as Firefox, all cookies are stored in a single file.